What is a Bug Out Bag How to Make a Bug Out Bag is one of the very first things any prepper should learn how to make, as well as one of the key items in their arsenal of preparedness. In short, a Bug Out Bag is designed to be a relatively light-weight, self-contained, kit […]
About Dutch Ovens Dutch Ovens originated in Holland as Iron Pots cast in a dry sand mold. In the early 1700s, an Englishman named Abraham Darby traveled to Holland to inspect the manufacturing process. He returned to England and improved the process with better molds and sold many Dutch Ovens to the American Colonies. It […]
I never go anywhere off the pavement without a compass and topographical map of that area. But let’s assume an urban disaster hits scenario, where you need to leave your home. What maps do you need to get to safety? (And don’t just plan to rely on a GPS. They are only as reliable as […]
We found this awesome list of survival medical supplies over at Doom and Bloom, and we have to give credit where credit is due, this is one of the most inclusive and exhaustive lists of medical supplies one would need for most any survival situation. In fact, it’s more likely than not if you were to […]
Spring is in the air and with it comes yard work. For some we have already started planting our gardens, others are tending to their chickens and most have to start cutting the grass. I know you may hear the Home Depot song playing in your mind as you think of mulching and planting and […]
Are you prepared? So you have this prepping thing down, right? You have plenty of supplies to weather any contingency and there isn’t much left that you haven’t purchased or thought of. You and your family have every base covered, every T crossed and your stuff doesn’t stink. Congratulations! Now, you have joined an elite […]
Starting a Food Storage Plan on a Budget When you have to prep on a budget your food storage plan should be one of your first priorities. Always aim to have at least three days’ worth of food in your possession or in your storage area at all times. The more food you can keep […]
Budget Prepping Series In this series, we will be addressing how to prep on a budget. We will address each subsection of prepping and what preps are budget-friendly. The list below will be linked to the respective article once it has been uploaded. Prepping on a Budget – Education Prepping on a Budget – Food […]
No Can Opener? No Problem! The SHTF and you’ve come across a couple of canned goods while scavenging. Great news, right? The only thing lying between you and sustenance is a thin layer of metal… and you don’t have a can opener. As preppers it may be hard to imagine being caught off guard in […]
Dave Canterbury of the Survival School has created what is easily the definitive guide to how to make a bow drill and how to make fire with a bow drill. If you only watch one video on the subject, make it this one. Then again, conserving calories is key during a prepping situation. It may […]
At Doomsday Prep we are always scouring the net for great articles that encompass and bestow a great deal of knowledge in a timely manner that is to the point. This article was forwarded to us by a reader and we feel we should share it with the community. Without further ado, we give you […]