About Doomsday Prep

Learn a little about the company behind the marketplace.

Prepare for the worst, and expect it!

Doomsday Prep is the web’s best resource for prepper supples and survival gear! We have quite literally spent thousands of man-hours researching and reviewing the best doomsday prep equipment, survival gear, and prepper gear. Our mission is to provide our customers, and fellow preppers, with the best survival gear that will enable them to weather any potential natural or man-made disaster. We believe in preparedness and do our best to share our knowledge and connect our customers with products that will help them prepare and survive what looms ahead.

Our team consists of a tight-knit group of like-minded individuals. Due to our upfront investment in web and POS technologies we are able to keep our costs well under manufacturer’s retail prices; it has also allowed us to streamline our sales and support processes. Our facility is located in the mountains only a few hours north of Atlanta, Georgia. Before contacting us with pre-sales questions we ask that all customers review our FAQ section as it typically answers about 95% of all questions we receive. If you’d like to contact us you can use the contact form found here, or you can contact our sales line with any questions at: 833-877-PREP (833-877-7737). Alternatively you may email us directly at [email protected].

Vendors looking to have their product or product line listed on our website or in our catalog should read our Vendor page.

Press may contact us via phone at 833-877-PREP (833-877-7737) or [email protected].

All mailed correspondence may be remitted to:
Doomsday Prep
230 Bethany Farms Dr.
Ball Ground, GA 30107